Robots do the work of humans

Robots do the work of humans

The development of robotics so quickly. The more robots created by a human-like capabilities. They can perform the activity cooking, playing music, assist the hospital, and others. We see the following examples.

Robots do the work of humans
Food & beverages industry slowly began to 'infiltrated' robot. Try to come to Hajime Robot Restaurant in Bangkok, Thailand. This Japanese restaurant serves its customers with the help of robots that can dance. The robot style style Japanese samurai army and deliver the meat and vegetables to the visitors while doing the robot dance electro style.

In addition there is also a restaurant in Harbin, China which employs 20 robots to cook, serve and entertain customers. These robots have a height between 1.2 to 1.5 meters and can display 10 different facial expressions. Remarkably, they can work continuously for five hours after the battery has charged for two hours

Beautiful Humanoid 

Humanoid robot made its appearance very similar to humans. For example Actroid, ang developed by Osaka University and produced by Kokoro Company Ltd. Actroid was first introduced in the arena of International Robot Exposition 2003 in Tokyo, Japan.

Another plus Actroid capable of performing a variety of expressions, such as a wink, speaking, and breathing. His skin itself is made of silicon that seem to resemble human skin. A total of 47 sensors mover immersed in the upper body Actroid so that they can react naturally like a human.
HRP-4C was known to call "Mim"

There is also the HRP-4C, which is a humanoid robot created by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). HRP-4C was known to call "Mim". Robit can walk like a human by moving 30 motors in it. Mim also be able to respond and to spell words and sing with the help of speech recognition software.

Toyota and Honda
Two Japanese automotive manufacturers have indeed continued to develop robot technology. You must have known Asimo, a robot made by Honda was first introduced on 28 April 2011, has a height of 130 cm and weight 54 kg. Among other advantages Asimo can walk and run with a more subtle movements, accept voice commands and is able to distinguish sounds, detecting moving objects, and can identify posture and sign language.

Asimo creation goal is to help the human tasks in everyday life. Even tens of Asimo units have been sent to hospitals and nursing homes in Japan to help officials there.

Competitors came from Toyota's Asimo, the humanoid robot, dubbed Partner Robot. This robot is able to play an instrumental tool, especially violin which was first exhibited in 2007. In his first appearance, this sophisticated robot can play the composer Edward Elgar, entitled 'Pomp and Circumstance'.

When playing music, the robot is also able to collaborate with humans so that the show becomes more interesting. Partner Robot also briefly attended in Jakarta in the largest automotive exhibition in the country, Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) 2012.

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Science Lovers: Robots do the work of humans
Robots do the work of humans
Robots do the work of humans
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