Air Umbrella, Umbrella Future

Have you ever imagine having an umbrella without a canopy? But without the umbrella canopy does not seem we can use, because certainly our bodies will be wet with raindrops. Did you find that there is a new technology development for the umbrella, according to the news no longer have the umbrella canopy so you just have to hold the handle of the umbrella only. Some researchers Aeuronautika of Bejing city and Nanjing China has developed an umbrella that is named Air Umbrella. This product is an umbrella-shaped, but a product that is different from the views umbrellas in general. If you see an umbrella usually use canopy or dome made of plastic or parachute, nah This product comes with a new technology to replace the canopy with air. How it works Air Umbrella

Air Umbrella, Umbrella Future, ScienceLovers

Have you ever imagine having an umbrella without a canopy? But without the umbrella canopy does not seem we can use, because certainly our bodies will be wet with raindrops. Did you find that there is a new technology development for the umbrella, according to the news no longer have the umbrella canopy so you just have to hold the handle of the umbrella only.

Some researchers Aeuronautika of Bejing city and Nanjing China has developed an umbrella that is named Air Umbrella. This product is an umbrella-shaped, but a product that is different from the views umbrellas in general. If you see an umbrella usually use canopy or dome made of plastic or parachute, nah This product comes with a new technology to replace the canopy with air.

How it works Air Umbrella
ilustrasi air umbrella
You may be wondering, how does this umbrella if it does not have a canopy to block the water?

The answer is very simple, the Air Umbrella is there a motor, it is located at the end of this thing. When used in the motor will exhale. Well, the air will spread as well and create a dome of air so the air will dispel any water droplets that fall and leads to our bodies and keep him away from our bodies.

Umbrellas are also referred to as Invisible Umbrella has a battery in it, when the battery runs out you can replace it or can do the charging. The battery is used to drive the motor at the end of the umbrella, so without batteries you will not be able to use this umbrella.
Types of Air Umbrella
This umbrella is still in the process of funding a prototype and to be submitted to the site Kickstarter. According to the development of this site has been running the air umbrella from 2014 ago, while for the early start of the project moves since November 2012, when the funds are collected then they will immediately make plans and mass produce this umbrella. The umbrella has a type and size are different, you can use the size of which is suitable and appropriate to your needs. Now as for the specifications of the types of air umbrella include:
Air umbrella Model A
The umbrella has a specific as follows:payung air umbrella
  1. The length of the handle of the umbrella is in the range of about 30 cm
  2. This umbrella can use maximum 15 minutes
  3. While the charging process can reach 15 minutes
  4. This umbrella is perfect for children and women
  5. Umbrella made of lightweight plastic material
Air Umbrella model B
Umbrella This model has the following specifications:
  1. The length of the handle of the umbrella is about 50 cm
  2. Can be used up to 30 minutes
  3. The charging process can reach 30 minutes
  4. This umbrella is perfect for you women
  5. Made of lightweight plastic and secure
Air umbrella model C
This Umbrella  model has the following specifications:
  1. The length of the handle of the umbrella can reach more than 50 cm
  2. Able to work for 30 minutes
  3. The charging process can reach 30 minutes
  4. This umbrella is suitable for men
  5. Made of lightweight plastic and secure
This umbrella water despite using electrical power to work, but it remains safe to use. Plastic materials for an umbrella body to make electricity will not flow into the handle of the umbrella. Some sources say that the Air Umbrella battery will last and lasting up to 3 years, in addition to that you will get a warranty for 18 months for your satisfaction as a customer. The plan kickstarter will issue and mass produce this umbrella, were expected by the end of 2015 will be manufactured at a price of less than $ 30 per unit.

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Science Lovers: Air Umbrella, Umbrella Future
Air Umbrella, Umbrella Future
Have you ever imagine having an umbrella without a canopy? But without the umbrella canopy does not seem we can use, because certainly our bodies will be wet with raindrops. Did you find that there is a new technology development for the umbrella, according to the news no longer have the umbrella canopy so you just have to hold the handle of the umbrella only. Some researchers Aeuronautika of Bejing city and Nanjing China has developed an umbrella that is named Air Umbrella. This product is an umbrella-shaped, but a product that is different from the views umbrellas in general. If you see an umbrella usually use canopy or dome made of plastic or parachute, nah This product comes with a new technology to replace the canopy with air. How it works Air Umbrella
Science Lovers
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