Welcome to Science Lovers ...   Well buddy, this time we will discuss about SPERM, namely Definition Sperm, Sperm Structure, Proces...

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Well buddy, this time we will discuss about SPERM, namely Definition Sperm, Sperm Structure, Process formation of sperm, sperm analysis, and abnormalities in sperm. Immediately, we entered into discussion.

Sperm are cells derived from the male reproductive system. Cells that will fertilize the ovum (egg cells in women) that occur within the female reproductive system. Sperm and ovum is the forerunner of a person who is in the womb, whether it is male or female.

Sperm cells shaped like a tadpole the size of 5 x 3 μm and has a tail length of 50 μm, which is composed of three parts, namely the head, neck and tail, and this cell will move to reach the ovum. Sperm cell consists of several enzymes in order to survive and penetrate the ovum, and also contained in the mitochondria which serves as the energy that can move the tail of the sperm to move forward.

These sperm are brought together semen (sperm) when expelled (ejaculated) through the hole urethra of the penis, which in turn will lead to the vagina to perform its main function, namely as a function of reproduction also breeding humans and animals, with the ability of sperm to penetrate the outer layers of the ovum resulting in fertilization (conception)

Sperm consists of three parts, namely:
1. Head
Oval-shaped sperm head, containing the nucleus (core), the nucleus contains DNA or genetic information that will be passed later. At the head of the sperm also are enzymes, such as hyaluronidase enzyme, whose function is to penetrate the ovum koronaradiata layer, and akrosin enzyme that penetrates the zona pellucida.

2. Midpiece
The middle part of the sperm is wrapped by the mitochondria which is the source of energy for the sperm. Which of these mitochondria have a total of 11 pieces of microtubules and ATP-ASE has to hydrolyze ATP, thus forming Emergo.

3. Tail
Sperm tail in the form of flagella (locomotor) form the cytoskeleton of the length that serves to propel the sperm forward, with speed 30 inches / hour.


Called spermatogenesis sperm formation that occurs within the seminiferous tubules, which originated from spermatogonia located in seminiferous tubules. Seminiferous tubules found in the spaces within the thesis (lobules testes). One testicle has approximately 250 testicular lobules.

Sperm formation is regulated by the hormonal system, the hormone LH (Luteinizing Hormone) which is located in the anterior pituitary function is to stimulate the cells Leyding produce testosterone, which testosterone is functioning in the division germ cells (spermatogenesis) and also as a driver for growth of the nature of sex secondary, like the mustache, beard, chest-shaped fields, and also hair distribution other place. Then there are the hormones FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) which stimulate Sertoli to form ABP (Androgen Binding Protein), which makes spermatogonia to begin the process of spermatogenesis, Sertoli also serves to feed the spermatozoa. FSH functions also include its role in spermiogenesis process, ie the change of spermatids into sperm. Furthermore, there is also a role of GH (Growth Hormone) which set the initial division of spermatogonia.

Spermatozoa formation stage consists of three phases, namely:

1. Spermatositogenesis
This process is the stage where spermatogonia undergo mitosis and become primary spermatocytes. Spermatogonia are diploid (2n) or contains 23 pairs of chromosomes. Primary spermatocytes are formed also diploid (2n).

2. Meiosis
After the primary spermatocytes are formed, then the cytoplasm formed also more and more, and a process of meiosis. Primary spermatocytes turned into secondary spermatocytes that are haploid (n) chromosomes. Then the secondary spermatocytes divide again in the process of meiosis II and formed again n chromosomes, thus forming four haploid spermatids that are also (n).

3. Spermiogenesis
This process represents a change of spermatids into spermatozoa (sperm cells mature). Spermatids were initially shaped like epithelial cells are simple, the process is undergoing a significant transformation, which experienced a lengthening forming a clear structure of the sperm, which has a head, midpiece and tail.

Mature sperm will be released through the meatus urethra (the tube in the penis) with a liquid produced by the glands seminal vesicles in the form of semen thick, contains fructose, ascorbic acid, enzyme coagulation (vesikulase) and prostaglandin. Furthermore, sperm mixed with fluid from the prostate gland which is a liquid such as milk is a bit of citric acid, and also the enzyme PSA (prostate specific antigen), the liquid plays a role in the activation of the sperm and the numbers too much, reaching 1/3 the volume of the cement ( semen). And the last one sperm is mixed with a liquid that is produced by the Cowper's glands (bulbourethra), which form a thick mucoid fluid, translucent color, which neutralizes the acid residual urine in the urethra channel. After it was all mixed, then was ejaculated semen through the urethra meatus.


To determine abnormalities in sperm, necessary to check directly and also examination under a microscope, this examination is called the "sperm analysis". Sperm analysis done by examining sperm usually issued by way of masturbation or coitus (intercourse) is disconnected. Ejaculated sperm in a clean container capacity and do not react to anything on sperm, which is commonly used is the size of 50-100 ml test tubes or glass. Then the place closed to avoid contamination.

Before we discuss the abnormalities found in the sperm, which usually leads to infertility (sterility), it should be noted in advance the limits of normal sperm, sperm characteristics normally called Normozoospermia.

Macroscopically sperm analysis aims to observe:
1. Liquefaction
Sperm viscous melt (liquefaction) at room temperature within 15-20 minutes. This happens because of the minimum enzyme produced by the prostate gland. When the new sperm ejaculated appear directly dilute, meaning there are abnormalities of the bladder seminalis it. If the sperm after 20 minutes is not also melting, then there are abnormalities in the coagulation system it is on seminin enzyme produced by the prostate gland

2. Volume
Normal sperm volume is 2-3 ml. Volume is more than 8 ml called hiperspermia typically caused by excessive activity by the prostate gland, and can also be caused by hormonal imbalance commonly caused by drugs. While the volume is less than 1 ml called hipospermia typically caused by too frequent ejaculation, and also due to the obstruction of the seminal vesica (narrowed).

3. The smell of sperm
Sperm are very distinctive odor, which is like the smell of acacia flowers. This odor is caused by the oxidation of spearmint, which is an aliphatic polyamine produced by the prostate gland. Abnormalities such as infection can make the sperm into a stench.

4. pH
Normal pH in sperm is from 7.2 to 7.8. Low pH commonly occurs because of abnormalities in the prostate gland, epididymis, seminal vesicles, and contamination with urine.

5. Color sperm
Normal sperm color is white turbid and slightly grayish. Abnormalities in sperm color can be caused by infection of the genital tract, which can cause the color to yellow. Color sperm can also be red if there is bleeding in the genital tract.

6. Viscosity (viscosity)
Viscosity in the sperm can be checked by touching the sperm with a stirrer, then formed normally yarn length is 3-5 cm. If the viscosity is more than the normal limit, abnormalities can be found in the number of sperm cells is too much, interference liquefaction, and under the influence of drugs.

Microscopic analysis of sperm, obtained:

1. The number of sperm
The number of normal sperm cells was 200 million / ml.
Sperm cell count of less than 20 million / ml is called with oligozoospermia
When not found spermatozoa in sperm cells are examined, it is called with azospermia, whereas if it did not ejaculate sperm can happen to a person, it is called with Aspermia.

2. Sperm Morphology
In this examination, it was noted about the size, shape, and appearance of the sperm cells. Where should be more than 50% of the cells were examined appear normal in size, shape, and length. Forms of abnormal sperm can be found as part of his damaged parts, such as the head, midpiece, and tail.
If normal sperm morphology which comprise less than 30%, then called teratozoospermia.

3. Sperm motility
Motility (movement) of normal sperm will move forward in a straight line with good speed, normally, the number of normal sperm cells engaged and active within 1 hour after ejaculation reaches more than 50%
According to WHO, the motility of sperm were classified into four levels, namely:

    Class A: Sperm move forward quickly in a straight line
    Class B: Sperm are moving forward but in a curved or wavy lines, or in a straight line but slow
    Class C: Sperm that move the tail, but not moving forward
    Class D: sperm are not moving at all.

Abnormalities in sperm motility called asthenozoospermia.

This is this post about the definition of sperm, sperm structure, process of formation of sperm, sperm analysis, and abnormalities in sperm, may be useful for my friend and could add to the knowledge of friends all of them.

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