Financial Free With Dogecoin and Shiba Inu (SHIB)

Sciencelovers - To be financially free immediately, there are actually many ways that can be done. Investment is one of them. By choosing th...

Financial Free With Dogecoin and Shiba Inu (SHIB)
Sciencelovers - To be financially free immediately, there are actually many ways that can be done. Investment is one of them. By choosing the right investment instrument, you can immediately taste financial freedom.

However, the problem is, choosing the right investment instrument is not that easy. Currently, there are many investment instruments to choose from. Not to mention the potential risks. Often, investments that offer high returns have high risks.

As an alternative, you can try to look at investing in cryptocurrencies. Lately, cryptocurrencies are in vogue. In fact, this investment is also considered to be a shortcut to financial freedom.

Of the many cryptocurrencies that exist, two crypto coin memes Dogecoin and Shiba Inu (SHIB) are quite popular.

Well, this review will discuss how to be financially free with Dogecoin and Shiba Inu (SHIB). Let's see together!

Get to know Dogecoin

Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency created by two software engineers, Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer.

Dogecoin was originally born as a joke to various speculations in the crypto world at that time. Unexpectedly, Dogecoin can actually become a successful cryptocurrency with a market capitalization of more than US$85 billion (as of May 2021).

Dogecoin Opportunity in 2022

Talking about the investment, is certainly not complete without discussing the opportunities of the instrument itself. What are the chances of Dogecoin in 2022?

The year 2021 was a brilliant year for Dogecoin. Apart from an increase of up to 3,500%, this meme coin has also become the most searched cryptocurrency through the Google search engine. However, what about the year 2022?

In 2022, Dogecoin is predicted to remain one of the top cryptocurrencies. Moreover, DOGE has also established several projects to develop its ecosystem. One example is GigaWallet which allows the process of currency exchange to be easier and seamless.

In addition, the number of merchants who accept DOGE has also increased. In 2021 alone, there will be at least 2,000 merchants who accept DOGE as a transaction tool. That means transactions with DOGE will be more widespread and popular.

Getting to know Shiba Inu

Now let's shift to Shiba Inu (SHIB). Shiba Inu itself is a meme coin that was created to compete with Dogecoin. In fact, this token also claims to be the "Dogecoin killer".

This token created by Ryoshi does have a model similar to DOGE. As of May 2021, its market capitalization is over US$3.5 billion.

The Shiba Inu Opportunity in 2022

What are the odds for the Shiba Inu in 2022? Can you be financially free with SHIB?

In 2021, SHIB experienced rapid development. This token had a breakout in April and skyrocketed in October.

The changes at that time were very fast. In just 25 days, the SHIB value can increase from US$0.000007 to US$0.0008.

In other words, SHIB has increased by more than 1000%. At the close of the year, SHIB managed to enter the ranks of the top 20 cryptocurrencies according to market capitalization.

Meanwhile, in 2022, it is predicted that SHIB will remain popular. There are several supporting factors that make SHIB survive.

The strongest reason is the existence of Shiba Inu ecosystem development projects. One of them is Shiberse or metaverse which was developed by SHIB and will be launched this year.

Tips for Investing in Dogecoin and Shiba Inu

From the explanation above, it can be seen that both Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have good opportunities as investment assets, even to bring you into a financially free position.

In order not to make a mistake, you can follow these tips to start investing in DOGE and SHIB tokens:

1. Always follow developments

You could say, crypto is a very dynamic type of investment. The changes can happen very quickly. For that, it's a good idea to always follow the development of the desired crypto currency. It doesn't have to be for 24 hours non-stop, you can follow developments at certain times and then analyze the pattern.

2. Diversify

The main principle of investing, namely diversification, also applies to cryptocurrencies. For that, don't put your money in just one type of cryptocurrency. You can try buying DOGE tokens, SHIB, or other tokens that are interesting and of course according to your budget. This step will minimize the risk of major losses.

3. Manage risk

Financial freedom with DOGE and SHIB will not be possible if you are not good at managing risk. Always set clear boundaries, both when buying and selling crypto assets. Don't get carried away easily because it actually makes you farther from being financially free.

This is a review of financial free tips with Dogecoin and Shiba Inu cryptocurrencies. For the latest updates on the two tokens, you can listen to the information at Sciencelovers.


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Science Lovers: Financial Free With Dogecoin and Shiba Inu (SHIB)
Financial Free With Dogecoin and Shiba Inu (SHIB)
Science Lovers
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