Understanding the chemical and benefits is an article that will be distributed at the Science Lovers this time. To shorten the time go see the sense of chemistry and benefits below.

Understanding Chemistry
Chemistry is a science that studies the composition, structure and properties of substances or materials from the atomic to molecular scale, as well as changes or transformations and interactions to form a material found in everyday life. vpemahaman chemical also learn about the properties and interactions of individual atoms with the aim to apply the knowledge.

To make it easier to learn, chemistry developed into branches of chemistry more specific such as physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, environmental chemistry, chemical food ingredients and analytical chemistry.

    Physical Chemistry: Chemical physics is a branch of chemistry that studies the structure, properties, and chemical changes of a substance as well as the energy changes that accompany changes in the chemistry.
    Inorganic Chemistry: Inorganic chemistry is the branch of science that studies the chemical elements forming compounds, properties of elements and compounds, use and manufacture.
    Organic Chemistry: Organic chemistry is a branch of chemistry that studies the structure and formation of carbon compounds, including reactions involved, reaction mechanisms, as well as the strength of the bond and the bond between atoms in the carbon compounds.
    Environmental Chemistry: environmental chemistry is a branch of chemistry that studies of interactions involving substances and chemical reactions in nature, as well as pollution in nature.
    Analytical Chemistry: Analytical chemistry is a branch of science that examines chemical analysis of substances or compounds, both qualitatively and quantitatively, including sampling, sample preparation is ready for measurement, measurement, separation, equipment for measurement purposes and so on.
    Biochemistry Biochemistry is a branch of chemistry that studies chemical substances and chemical reactions accompanying biological processes such as metabolic processes in the body, (the enzymatic reaction, decomposition or hydrolysis of proteins, carbohydrates and fats).
    Chemical Food: food chemistry is a branch of chemistry that focuses on the study of the chemical composition, chemical reactions and chemical processes in food. Food may include macro-nutrients, micro-nutrients and additives in food.

Benefits Chemistry

 1. Benefits Chemistry - Field of Medicine
The first benefits of chemistry in human life is in the field of medicine. To help cure patients who have a disease, used drugs are made based on the results of research on the processes and chemical reactions efficacious ingredients is done in pharmaceutical chemistry branch.

2. Benefits Chemistry - Agriculture
Perhaps you are confused, what is the relationship between chemistry and agriculture, and what are the benefits of chemistry to agriculture? Well, is not to restore soil fertility, necessary to add fertilizer, while the pest can be overcome with the addition of pesticides. The benefits and dangers of the use of fertilizers and pesticides must be understood that there is no error in its use. The thing to remember is that fertilizers and pesticides are "products" of chemistry.

3. Benefits Chemistry - Field Geology
This field is concerned with the study of rocks (minerals) and mining and petroleum gas. The process of determining the elements that make up a preliminary stage for mineral and exploration, using the basics of chemistry. The benefits of chemistry in this field to help understand and understand the findings of the researchers on the rocks or "objects" of nature.

4. Benefits of Chemistry - Biology Field
This particular field of study of living creatures (animals and plants). Chemical processes that take place in living things including food digestion, respiration, metabolism, fermentation, photosynthesis and others. To study this, the necessary knowledge about the structure and properties of existing compounds, such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, enzymes, lipids, nucleic acids and others. Although in general, this area is more closely related to biological sciences, but also the benefits of chemistry in fact more or less influential in the field of biology.

5. Benefits Chemistry - Legal Affairs
You wonder what relation the legal field with chemistry? Bidanghukum directly there is no relationship with chemistry, but the benefits of chemistry in the field of this law can be felt when the enactment of criminal evidence examination equipment (criminology). The body of the suspect can be checked by examining their DNA structure because the structure of the DNA of each person is different. This examination involves chemistry.

6. Benefits Chemistry - Field of Engineering
Benefits chemistry can also be about the field of engineering that studies the nature and composition of good metal for the manufacture of machinery, studying the nature, the composition of the fuel and engine lubricating oil.

7. Benefits of Chemistry - Civil Engineering
The materials used in this field is cement, wood, paint, nails, iron, PVC (PVC), glue and so on. All materials are produced through research-based chemistry. The benefits of chemistry in this case is that the building materials can be known advantages and disadvantages, so as to minimize accidents in the future.
Seeing so many links between chemistry and other fields of human life, it is clear that the benefits of chemistry plays an important role in human life. To balance the presence of human life in harmony with improved quality of life on earth.

So the description of Understanding Chemistry and benefits, may be useful and add insight faithful companion Science Lovers

Reference: Kardiawarman, et al. 2003. Encyclopedia of Science & Life. Jakarta: Tarity Ocean Diamond and google.com

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