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Here are 10 strange things that happen in space 
As reported by the science discovery as follows:

10. Falling Star (Star hypervelocity)


If you stare at the night sky, you might wish on a falling star (meteor fall).
But shooting stars do exist but they are rarely as a ratio of 1: 100 million.
In 2005, astronomers found the first shooting star star called "hypervelocity", rolled out of the galaxy at a speed of nearly 530 miles per second (10 times faster than the motion of the ordinary).

We suspect that this phenomenon occurs probably caused by supernova explosions and the supermassive black hole.

9. Planet From Hell

Gliese 581c will kill you. Serious. Scientists have determined that this hell planet is the most likely candidate for future colonization. Despite the fact the entire planet the unknown.

The planet orbits a red dwarf star and smaller than the sun, with only 1.3% of the luminosity of the sun kita.Ini means that the planet is much closer to its star than our sun denganplanet. Therefore, we are stuck in a state of tidal locking, which means that one side of the planet always faces the star, and one side always faces the opposite. Such as the relationship with the Earth's moon.

Planet tidal locking itself produces some of the features that are quite strange. Stepping to the side of the bright planet will melt you, edangkan stand on opposite sides of the planet, where there is no sun, you would freeze instantly. However, in between these two extremes there is a small belt where life could theoretically exist.

Living on Gliese 581 c will have challenges. The parent star is a red dwarf star, it means this star bathe the planet Gliese 581 c in red hell. Another side effect of this phenomenon is the photosynthesis of plants to adapt to the constant bombardment of infrared radiation, making them have a black color leaves.

8. Castor System

Most stars in the constellation Gemini consists of 1 or 2 bright stars, but there are some who have serious luminosity. That's because he includes system Castor, Castor system is not one, or two stars, but the six stars, all orbiting around the center of the orbiting binary star massa.Tiga same system here, with two hot and bright star of type-A trapped in the system along with four Star-M-type red dwarfs.

7. Rasberry and Rum in Space

Over the past few years, scientists have studied the dust cloud near the center of our Milky Way galaxy. Unique dust cloud called Sagittarius B2, has the smell and taste like raspberry rum. That's because the gas cloud consisting mostly of ethyl formate, a compound known to give a sense of raspberries and smells of rum typical.

6. Planet Ice That Burns

Do you remember Gliese? hell hole of a star that we visit sebelumnya.Dan we will go back to the solar system. As if the planet killer is not enough, Gliese supports a planet made almost entirely of ice temperature of 439 degrees Celsius.

Planet Gliese 436 b, quite simply, ice cubes terbakar.Satu only reason this ice remains solid is because a large amount of water present on the planet, the gravitational pull of all the water into the core, keeping the water molecules so dense that they can not evaporate.

5. Diamond Planet


Finally we come to a beautiful planet, 55 Cancri e-entirely made of diamond crystallization and will be priced at 26.9 dollars nonillion, hehehe, we're just kidding.

Large diamond planet was once a star in a binary system, until the partners began cannibalizing nya.Sepertiga of the planet's mass is said to be pure diamond, while the Earth is covered in water and abundant oxygen, the planet made mainly of graphite, diamond, and other silicates.

This planet has a size two times larger than Earth and has a mass about 8 Earth masses and make it a "super-Earth."

4. Himiko Cloud

This object tells us about ancient objects in the universe. Himiko cloud is the most massive object ever found in the early universe, and formed just 800 million years after the Big Bang.

Himiko cloud surprised scientists with sheer size, roughly half of the Milky Way kita.Himiko have what is known as the "reionization era," or a period of about 200 million to one billion years after the Big Bang and the cloud is making scientists managed to see early galaxy formation.

3. Largest Water Reservoir in the Universe

Twelve billion light years away, the largest water reservoir in the universe are at the heart of a quasar. Contains 140,000,000,000,000 times the amount of water in Earth's oceans, and found near the giant black hole at the center of the quasar, unfortunately the water is in the form of a large cloud of gas a few hundred light-years in diameter.

But there is a black hole nearby that has the size of twenty billion times the size of our sun, continues to spew huge amounts of energy equivalent to what would be produced by 1,000 trillion sun.

2. Largest Electric Universe

Just a few years ago, scientists stumbled upon an electric current to cosmic proportions: 10 ^ 18 amps, or about a trillion lightning.

Lightning is thought to have originated from a giant black hole at the galactic center, which has a core "great cosmic jets." Apparently, a large magnetic fields of black holes makes it possible to carry out this lightning through the gas and dust at a distance of more than one hundred and fifty thousand light years away.

1. Large Quasar Group (LQG)

Astronomers have discovered the largest known structures in the universe, namely blob active galactic nuclei that spanned 4 billion light years from end to end. This structure is a large quasar group (LQG), which consists of a core of very bright galaxies powered by supermassive black holes at their centers. The group is so large that challenge the modern cosmological theory, the researchers said.
"Although it is difficult to understand the scale of this LQG, we can say that this object is the largest object ever found in the universe," said Roger Clowes, from the University of Central Lancashire in the UK.

Quasars are the brightest objects in the universe. For decades, astronomers have known that quasars tend to congregate in large groups, some of which has an area of ​​more than 600 million light years.
LQC newly discovered quasar consists of 73 and a range of about 1.6 billion light-years away in many directions and at its widest point has an area of ​​4 billion light years.
If LQC comparable in size perspective, broad our galaxy only 100,000 light years of the Milky Way and is separated from its nearest neighbor galaxy, Andromeda, about 2.5 million light years.

LQC new discovery is indeed very big and in fact, the theory predicts the incidence of things like that should not be there, the researchers said. Group quasar appears to violate prevailing assumption is widely known as the cosmological principle, which states that the universe is essentially homogeneous when viewed on a large enough scale.
Calculations show that a larger structure than 1.2 billion light years should not be there, the researchers said.

"Our team has seen similar cases which add to these challenges, and we will continue to investigate the interesting phenomenon like this," said Clowes.
The new study was published today (11 January) in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Source: listverse.com

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Science Lovers: 10 WEIRD THINGS IN SPACE
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